Navigate CBAM Compliance effortlessly with emitless

Your all-in-one solution for simplifying carbon reporting and import management

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Trusted by the world's best companies

How it works

Sign up

Enter the data in our signup form with all details and our system will automatically use it to fill your CBAM reports.


Manage multi-level access on Emitless to collaborate with suitable people in your company.

Use Hassle Free

You don't need to re-enter your data again in the system, We will automatically use it for your reports and CBAM requirements.

Emitless World

All-in-One solution for all CBAM

European Union businesses have the opportunity to streamline their CBAM obligations effortlessly using the Emitless platform. With just a few clicks, manage all aspects of CBAM requirements: effortlessly compute carbon emissions associated with imports, engage with suppliers, and seamlessly generate, handle, and deliver CBAM reports.

All consolidated into a single platform, eliminating any unnecessary complications.

Automated calculation

Simplify the process of calculating your company's carbon footprint with our automated tools

Enhanced communication

Enhance communication with your suppliers to ensure accurate data collection and compliance.

Report generation

Generate and submit your CBAM reports with just a few clicks, saving time and ensuring accuracy.

Customer Stories

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Increase in productivity
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Happy customers
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Have a call with our sales team to get your CBAM dashboard ready

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions ordered by popularity. Remember that if the visitor has not committed to the call to action, they may still have questions (doubts) that can be answered.

What is Emitless?

Emitless is a software solution designed to help businesses comply with the EU's Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM),simplifying carbon reporting and emission reduction efforts.

How does Emitless work?

It automates the calculation of carbon emissions, facilitates communication with suppliers for data accuracy, and streamlines the creation and submission of CBAM reports.

Who can benefit from Emitless?

Any business subject to CBAM regulations, especially those importing goods like cement, steel, aluminum, fertilizers, electricity, and hydrogen from non-EU countries.

Is Emitless difficult to implement?

No, Emitless is designed for easy integration with existing systems, ensuring a smooth transition and quick setup.

Can Emitless help reduce compliance costs?

Yes, by automating and optimizing the compliance process, Emitless can help reduce the costs associated with CBAM compliance and potential fines.

How does Emitless contribute to sustainability?

By enabling businesses to accurately track and reduce their carbon emissions, Emitless supports broader sustainability goals and environmental responsibility.

How to get started with Emitless?

Contact us through our website to schedule a demo or talk to our sales team for more information on how Emitless can suit your needs.

Still have questions?

Have a call with us to inquire further.